What to write in a college essay
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Wallace Stevens Essays - American People Of German Descent
Wallace Stevens Samantha Erck Examination Paper Wallace Stevens: Inside the Gray Flannel Suit Pragmatists, wearing square het...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wallace Stevens Essays - American People Of German Descent
Wallace Stevens Samantha Erck Examination Paper Wallace Stevens: Inside the Gray Flannel Suit Pragmatists, wearing square hets, Think, in square rooms, Taking a gander at the floor, Taking a gander at the roof, They restrict themselves To right-calculated triangles. In the event that they attempted rhomboids, Cones, waving lines, circles As, the circle of the half moon- Pragmatists would wear sombreros. Six Significant Landscapes (Collected Poems p.73-75) Wallace Stevens is considerd one of the most significant writers of this century. His style was special and diffrent. The manner in which he utilized words to optain the truth of something that can't be contacted, is an astounding and brilant ability. Stevens was an exceptionally effective lawer and businessperson just as an extraordinary peot. We for the most part consider peots and specialists as starving craftsmen. Stevens was a very accommplished lawer was as yet ready to compose beautifull peotry. His peoms useually contadicted his lifestile, yet that may be were he got his insperation. He had a spouse, family, and profession, he had a very queit way of life. In any case, his peotry is noisy and theoretical. Wallace Stevens was conceived in 1879, in Reading, Pennsylvania. As a youngster, he began at parochial schools, and later joined up with government funded schools. Wallace's folks urge him to peruse, which helped him become a superior writter. In school, Wallace was a phenomenal understudy. After secondary school, he proceeded with his instruction at Harvard University, where he got associated with two Harvard papers, first the Advocate and afterward the Harvard Monthly. In the wake of leaving school, he moved to New York City. He filled in as a columnist, and thought about an artistic vocation. Yet, his dad urged Stevens to turn into a progressively down to earth vocation in the law business. He filled in as a legal counselor for a couple of years in New York. He worked at various firms and afterward at the Fidelity and Deposit Company. He at last settled at the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, where he turned into the VP for an amazing remainder. It resembled Stevens drove two separate lives, one of an agent and one as a writer. Stevens himself once said in a New York Times talk with, I like to believe I'm only a man, not an artist low maintenance, businessperson the rest. This is a lucky thing, taking into account how rude the ravens are. I don't separate my life, simply continue living. A significant number of Stevens' fans are frequently amazed when they learn of Stevens' life as a representative. As referenced before, Wallace Stevens' work mirrored his life in numerous ways. His girl, Holly, and his significant other, Elsie were the two motivations for his sonnets. The individuals, spots, and things in Stevens' private life all impacted his verse. He expounded on Florida, the Orient, his family, life, demise, religion, nature, and numerous different subjects. His verse had numerous special subjects also. He expounded on agnosticism, mysticism, creative mind, dreams, God, and reality. In the course of his life, Stevens distributed huge numbers of his sonnets, his most notable are Harmonium, The Man With the Blue Guitar, Transport to Summer, and The Auroras of Autumn. He additionally composed exposition, articles, and plays. Stevens peoms are perplexing. So as to peruse the vast majority of his verse, it's nessassary to have a word reference close by. Stevens has a colossal jargon and he effectively utilizes it in his verse. Many have called his work profound becauses of the philosophical parts of his sonnets. One sonnet that I like, Contrary Thesis (II) was hard for me to peruse from the outset. A selection from it is a genuine case of Stevens' diffrent utilization of language: ...He strolled with his year-old kid on his shoulder. The sun shone and the canine yelped and the child dozed. The leaves, even the insect, the green grasshopper. He needed and searched for a last asylum, From the lofty hints of winter What's more, the saints ? la mode. He strolled toward A theoretical, of which the sun, the canine, the kid Were forms. Cold was cooling the wide-moving swans. The leaves were falling like notes from a piano... - Contrary Thesis (II)(Collected Poems p.207) This peom is discussing a man searching for an asylum before winter comes. It is by all accounts looking at getting old, the manner in which the seasons change from harvest time to winter. The man who is searching for asylum is by all accounts attempting to discover where his life is taking
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Who Cares About Writing Anyway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Who Cares About Writing Anyway - Essay Example is about oneself, including the individual and the aggregate inside the â€Å"I.†I might want to believe that individuals, in any case, should contemplate what, why, and how they compose, in light of the fact that composing renders huge force that ought not be weakened by continually expounding on close to home and shallow struggles alone. The right to speak freely of discourse is an obligation that is too essential to possibly be squandered on void announcements that don't, at any rate in some cases, mean something more to individuals as people and as networks. This paper contends that individuals should think about composition, since whoever composes well can re-tell the past, acknowledge and influence the present, and re-characterize what's to come. History produces power; whoever composes and re-tells it, possesses it and what's to come. Benjamin Franklin has composed his personal history that some applause, some scrutinize, or some simply feel nothing for. Be that as it may, he knows the intensity of the composed word. The composed word can be the reason for the said word as well. The composed word can bring importance and exercises that can affect the manner in which individuals think and act. Lawrence subverts Franklins virtues in â€Å"On Ben Franklins Virtues,†however he does as such through composing as well. He needs to report his own perspectives, since he realizes that composing will re-tell the past the manner in which he needs it to be told. He needs the past to not be deciphered and spread by a white man alone. He needs his own perspective as a â€Å"dark forest†(367). I need to pressure that composing comprises of communicating how individuals need others to consider themselves to be people and as a feature of their kin/s as well. For sure, each race has its people. Lawrence is an individual and Franklin is as well; they have a place with their â€Å"groups,†whether these gatherings meet or not. They can conflict in their contentions of ethics and expound on it, since that is a piece of forming what their identity is. Simultaneously, they need to impact others, regardless of whether they are in the equivalent racial network or not, with the goal that they can understand their past as
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Why Do People Blame the Victim
Why Do People Blame the Victim Theories Social Psychology Print Why Do People Blame the Victim? By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on November 02, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 17, 2020 Alberto Ruggieri / Illustration Works / Getty Images More in Theories Social Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Blaming the victim is a phenomenon in which victims of crimes or tragedies are held accountable for what happened to them. Victim blaming allows people to believe that such events could never happen to them. Blaming the victim is known to occur in rape and sexual assault cases, where the victim of the crime is often accused of inviting the attack due to her clothing or behavior. A Well-Known Example of Blaming the Victim In 2003, a 14-year-old girl named Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped from her bedroom in Salt Lake City, Utah at knifepoint. She spent the next nine months held captive by her abductors, Brian Mitchell and Wanda Barzee. After her rescue and details of her time in captivity become public, many people wondered why she hadnt tried to escape or reveal her identity. These types of questions, sadly, are not uncommon after people hear about a terrible event. Why, after such a horrible crime, do so many people seem to blame the victim for their circumstances? When news reports surfaced of a woman being raped, many questions center on what the victims were wearing or doing that might have provoked the attack. When people are mugged, others frequently wonder what victims were doing out so late at night or why they did not take extra measures to protect themselves from the crime. Why Humans Have a Tendency to Victim-Blame So what is behind this tendency to blame the victim? Our Attributions Contribute One psychological phenomenon that contributes to this tendency to lay the blame on the victim is known as the fundamental attribution error. This bias involves attributing other people’s behaviors to internal, personal characteristics while ignoring external forces and variables that also might have played a role.?? When a classmate flunks a test, for example, you probably attribute their behavior to a variety of internal characteristics. You might believe that the other student didn’t study hard enough, isn’t smart enough, or is just plain lazy. If you were to fail a test, however, what would you blame your poor performance on? In many cases, people blame their failings on external sources. You might protest that the room was too hot and you couldn’t concentrate, or that the teacher didn’t grade the test fairly or included too many trick questions. Hindsight Is 20/20 Another issue that contributes to our tendency to blame the victim is known as the hindsight bias. When we look at an event that happened in the past, we have a tendency to believe that we should have been able to see the signs and predict the outcome.??This hindsight makes it seem like the victims of a crime, accident, or another form of misfortune should have been able to predict and prevent whatever problem might have befallen them. And this isn’t just something that happens when we are looking at things such as rape or assault. When someone becomes ill, people often seek to blame past behaviors for a person’s current state of health. Cancer? They should have stopped smoking. Heart disease? Well, I guess they should have exercised more. Food poisoning? Should have known better than to have eaten at that new restaurant. Such cases of blame seem to suggest that people should have simply known or expected such things to happen given their behavior, while in truth there was no way to predict the outcome. We Like to Believe Life Is Fair When It Isnt Our tendency to blame the victim also stems in part from our need to believe that the world is a fair and just place. When something bad happens to another person, we often believe that they must have done something to deserve such a fate. Social psychologists refer to this tendency as the just-world phenomenon.?? Why do we feel this need to believe that the world is just and that people get what they deserve? Because if we think that the world is not fair, then it becomes more apparent that anyone can fall victim to tragedy. Yes, even you, your friends, your family, and your other loved ones. No matter how cautious and conscientious you might be, bad things can and do happen to good people. But by believing that the world is fair, by believing that people deserve what they get, and by blaming the victim, people are able to protect their illusion that such terrible things could never happen to them. A Word From Verywell But bad things can and probably will happen to you at some point in your life. So the next time you find yourself wondering what someone else did to bring on their misfortune, take a moment to consider the psychological attributions and biases that affect your judgment. Rather than blame the victim, try putting yourself in that person’s shoes and perhaps try a little empathy instead.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Biography of Jesse Owens 4 Time Olympic Gold Medalist
During the 1930s, the Great Depression, Jim Crow Era laws, and de facto segregation kept African-Americans in the United States fighting for equality. In Eastern Europe, the Jewish Holocaust was well underway with German ruler Adolf Hitler spearheading a Nazi Regime. In 1936, the Summer Olympics were to be played in Germany. Hitler saw this as an opportunity to show the inferiority of non-Aryans. Yet, a young track and field star from Cleveland, Ohio had other plans. His name was Jesse Owens and by the end of the Olympics, hed won four gold medals and refuted Hitlers propaganda. Accomplishments First American to win four Olympic gold medalsEarned an honorary doctorate of athletic arts from Ohio State University in 1973. The University awarded Owens with this doctorate for  his unparalleled skill and ability as an athlete and for his personification of sportsmanship ideals.1976 Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded by President Gerald Ford. Early Life On September 12, 1913, James Cleveland â€Å"Jesse†Owens was born. Owens’ parents, Henry and Mary Emma were sharecroppers who raised 10 children in Oakville, Ala. By 1920s the Owens family was participating in the Great Migration and settled in Cleveland, Ohio. A Track Star Is Born Owenss interest in running track came while attending middle school. His gym teacher, Charles Riley, encouraged Owens to join the track team. Riley taught Owens to train for longer races such as the 100 and 200-yard dashes. Riley continued to work with Owens while he was a high school student. With Riley’s guidance, Owens was able to win every race he entered. By 1932, Owens was preparing to try out for the U.S. Olympic Team and compete at the Summer Games in Los Angeles. Yet at the Midwestern preliminary trials, Owens was defeated in the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter dash as well as the long jump. Owens did not allow this loss to defeat him. In his senior year of high school, Owens was elected president of the student council and captain of the track team. That year, Owens also placed first in 75 out of 79 races he entered. He also set a new record in the long jump at the interscholastic state finals. His biggest victory came when he won the long jump, setting a world record in the 220-yard dash and also tied a world record in the 100-yard dash. When Owens returned to Cleveland, he was greeted with a victory parade. Ohio State University: Student and Track Star Owens chose to attend Ohio State University where he could continue to train and work part-time as a freight elevator operator at the State House. Barred from living in OSU’s dormitory because he was African-American, Owens lives in a boarding house with other African-American students. Owens trained with Larry Snyder who helped the runner perfect his starting time and altering his long-jump style. In May 1935, Owens set world records in the 220-yard dash, the 220-yard low hurdles as well as the long jump at the Big Ten Finals held in Ann Arbor, Mich. 1936 Olympics In 1936, James â€Å"Jesse†Owens arrived at the Summer Olympics ready to compete. Hosted in Germany at the height of Hitler’s Nazi Regime, the games were filled with controversy. Hitler wanted to use the games for Nazi propaganda and to promote â€Å"Aryan racial superiority.†Owens’ performance at the 1936 Olympics refuted all of Hitler’s propaganda. On August 3, 1936, Owners won the 100m sprint. The following day, he won the gold medal for the long jump. On August 5, Owens won the 200m sprint and finally, on August 9 he was added the 4 x 100m relay team. Life After the Olympics Jesse Owens returned home to the United States with not much fanfare. President Franklin D. Roosevelt never met with Owens, a tradition usually afforded Olympic champions. Yet Owens was not surprised by the lackluster celebration saying, When I came back to my native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldnt ride in the front of the bus†¦.I had to go to the back door. I couldnt live where I wanted. I wasnt invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasnt invited to the White House to shake hands with the president, either. Owens found work racing against cars and horses. He also played for the Harlem Globetrotters. Owens later found success in the field of marketing and spoke at conventions and business meetings. Personal Life and Death Owens married Minnie Ruth Solomon in 1935. The couple had three daughters. Owens died of lung cancer on March 31, 1980, at his home in Arizona.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Three Important Academic Skills for College Students Essay
One of the reasons why all the new students at universities in the U.S. have to take serial writing classes first is that they have to learn not only writing techniques, but also the way of thinking which enable them to go through studying ahead of them. In his essay The Politics of Remediation, Mike Rose mainly suggests three academic skills that are essential for college students. The importance of these skills can be more clear and profound by comparison with other three essays; Critical Thinking by bell hooks, What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College? by Patricia Bizzell, and The â€Å"Banking†Concept of Education by Paulo Freire. Rose discusses essential academic skills such as acquiring an academic language, critical literacy, and†¦show more content†¦From college-level standard, Lucia was considered as one of the â€Å"poor readers†or â€Å"culturally illiterate†(Rose 144) even though she could fluently speak Spanish. Bizzell discusses t he same topic in her essay in more detailed and generalized form. According to Bizzell, students entering universities usually face â€Å"a clash among dialects†(Bizzell 15), which occurs between their home dialects and Standard English used in academic world. She points out that usually students are forced to abandon their dialects while learning Standard English and claims that there should be a way to bring their home dialect’s world views or culture into academic world. Although Rose does not mention anything about how Lucia’s home dialect (Spanish) would affect her study, but the readers can imagine that her own experience such as struggling with her brother’s mental illness might introduce a new world view into academic culture of psychology in some ways. By mentioning the acquisition of academic language, Rose introduces the issue of cultural conflicts within a student behind the acquisition. Rose also mentions the importance of acquiring critical literacy for college students in his essay. To support his idea, hooks writes more in detail about what critical thinking is. In Rose’s essay, he exemplifies a student called James. James was required to critically analyze theShow MoreRelatedCritical Thinking Skills And Academic Achievements894 Words  | 4 PagesCritical thinking skills are beneficial and little is known about the factors contributing to students developing a disposition to think critically or the effect this disposition has on college students’ academic achievements. More studies need to be carried out on how student are capable of thinking critically and use their critical thinking skills and how to make critical thinking dispositions as it impacts people’s life and is necessary to have this skill when working. 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Participation in ex tracurricular activities is important inRead MoreFailure Is The Key To Success Essay1361 Words  | 6 Pagesis the Key to Success Nobody is surprised when a students who struggled to pass classes in high school and miraculous gets accepted to college, ends up dropping out or failing out after their first few semesters, but when accomplished honors students and high school valedictorians are failing out of college it raises a eyebrows. For some of these students all they’ve known there entire academic career is success. They are gifted enough as students to turn in a paper or take a test and know they gotRead MoreHow Child Development Is Important For A Person s Life1644 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout a person’s life, being able to develop is important to become successful. The most beneficial time for a person to develop skills that will help them be successful is during a person’s childhood . 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Estimate a Population Parameter Free Essays
Estimation is a procedure by which a numerical value or values are assigned to a population parameter based on the information collected from a sample. The assignment of value(s) to a population parameter based on a value of the corresponding sample statistic is called estimation. In inferential statistics, _ is called the true population mean and p is called the true population proportion. We will write a custom essay sample on Estimate a Population Parameter or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many other population parameters, such as the median, mode, variance, and standard deviation. The following are a few examples of estimation: an auto company may want to estimate the mean fuel consumption for a particular model of a car; a manager may want to estimate the average time taken by new employees to learn a job; the U. S. Census Bureau may want to find the mean housing expenditure per month incurred by households; and the AWAH (Association of Wives of Alcoholic Husbands) may want to find the proportion (or percentage) of all husbands who are alcoholic. The examples about estimating the mean fuel consumption, estimating the average time taken to learn a job by new employees, and estimating the mean housing expenditure per month incurred by households are illustrations of estimating the true population mean. The example about estimating the proportion (or percentage) of all husbands who are alcoholic is an illustration of estimating the true population proportion, p. This article explains how to assign values to population parameters based on the values of sample statistics. For example, to estimate the mean time taken to learn a certain job by new employees, the manager will take a sample of new employees and record the time taken by each of these employees to learn the job. Using this information, he or she will calculate the sample mean, then, based on the value of he or she will assign certain values to _. As another example, to estimate the mean housing expenditure per month incurred by all households in the United States, the Census Bureau will take a sample of certain households, collect the information on the housing expenditure that each of these households incurs per month, and compute the value of the sample mean, Based on this value of the bureau will then assign values to the population mean, _. The sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter is called an estimator. The estimation procedure involves the following steps. 1. Select a sample. 2. Collect the required information from the members of the sample. 3. Calculate the value of the sample statistic. 4. Assign value(s) to the corresponding population parameter. Remember, the procedures to be mentioned above assume that the sample taken is a simple random sample. If the sample is not a simple random sample, then the procedures to be used to estimate a population mean or proportion become more complex. How to cite Estimate a Population Parameter, Essay examples Estimate a Population Parameter Free Essays Estimation is a procedure by which a numerical value or values are assigned to a population parameter based on the information collected from a sample. The assignment of value(s) to a population parameter based on a value of the corresponding sample statistic is called estimation. In inferential statistics, _ is called the true population mean and p is called the true population proportion. We will write a custom essay sample on Estimate a Population Parameter or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many other population parameters, such as the median, mode, variance, and standard deviation. The following are a few examples of estimation: an auto company may want to estimate the mean fuel consumption for a particular model of a car; a manager may want to estimate the average time taken by new employees to learn a job; the U. S. Census Bureau may want to find the mean housing expenditure per month incurred by households; and the AWAH (Association of Wives of Alcoholic Husbands) may want to find the proportion (or percentage) of all husbands who are alcoholic. The examples about estimating the mean fuel consumption, estimating the average time taken to learn a job by new employees, and estimating the mean housing expenditure per month incurred by households are illustrations of estimating the true population mean. The example about estimating the proportion (or percentage) of all husbands who are alcoholic is an illustration of estimating the true population proportion, p. This article explains how to assign values to population parameters based on the values of sample statistics. For example, to estimate the mean time taken to learn a certain job by new employees, the manager will take a sample of new employees and record the time taken by each of these employees to learn the job. Using this information, he or she will calculate the sample mean, then, based on the value of he or she will assign certain values to _. As another example, to estimate the mean housing expenditure per month incurred by all households in the United States, the Census Bureau will take a sample of certain households, collect the information on the housing expenditure that each of these households incurs per month, and compute the value of the sample mean, Based on this value of the bureau will then assign values to the population mean, _. The sample statistic used to estimate a population parameter is called an estimator. The estimation procedure involves the following steps. 1. Select a sample. 2. Collect the required information from the members of the sample. 3. Calculate the value of the sample statistic. 4. Assign value(s) to the corresponding population parameter. Remember, the procedures to be mentioned above assume that the sample taken is a simple random sample. If the sample is not a simple random sample, then the procedures to be used to estimate a population mean or proportion become more complex. How to cite Estimate a Population Parameter, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Legal Studies and Law for State and Federal Prison- MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theLegal Studies and Law for State and Federal Prison. Answer: An enormous change has been observed in the philosophy and practice of sentencing and corrections. The vital focus on rehabilitation which existed in first seven decades of 20th Century provided the manner of focusing on justice and fairness in 1970, by which sentences reflected just deserts i.e. people who contradict the law deserve to be punished rather than utilitarian motive (Tonry, 2017). Four main objectives which are generally relating to the sentencing procedure are retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence and incapacitation. Changes in practice and philosophy of sentencing and corrections have a pivotal effect on incarceration rates. The impact of these changes has intended as well as unintended consequences. The development of the prison had an impact on all State and Federal prison. However, it is necessary to assess that the number of individuals in prison and the change over time in these value differs greatly in terms of jurisdiction. The same changed the growth cost of correction have also increased. Two principles which underlay the concept of supporting indeterminate sentencing are environmental and psychological. Environmental explanations emphasis on the wretchedness of internal part and slum environment and assess the reason which is responsible for later criminal behaviour (Maurutto and Hannah-Moffat, 2016). Physiological perceptions believe offenders to be ill and required treatment. Both these perspectives balanced the criminal system and enforced for changing the lawbreakers into law abiders. It has been evaluated by critics that with few isolated exceptions the rehabilitation efforts have examined so far with no appreciable results, and the reason behind same was inadequat e restrictiveness behaviour of judges. Thus, it can be concluded that emphasising risk is necessary for making society safer because through emphasising on risk people can be made aware of the actual situation which is to be faced by them. Punishment and welfare are assessed as recent emergence in the modern western estate of a new form of crime control. As through combining the variants like care, control, assistance and discipline for assessing the personal and social disorder which give rise to criminal activity and rectify them (Monahan and Skeem, 2016). Even the criminal will have to think wisely for making their attempts successful in case the public is aware of their acts and the manner in whey attain to accomplish the same. Through emphasising on risk both the authority as well, the public will make an attempt to control the crime. The same effort has made the procedure of ascertaining sentences in accordance with fair and justice policies. There are different names for community sentence for all the different ways in the criminal justice, in this, the court will punish peoples who commit an offence, but the crime is different from a custodial sentence or capital punishment.Basically, it is an alternative to imprisonment by considering the approach of human rights and human dignity. Sometimes punishments are noticed in terms of repression mainly in harmful offenders. There are many observations for the theory of punishment (Mair, 2016). The several challenging views are presented and promoted by the moral foundation of punishment, and these are a problematic issue for them. If the crime is serious, then the criminal will be punished. However, in the case where convicted person does not intend to do so, then he cannot be treated as a criminal. Community-based sanction is considered to be a soft option because the prisoner is not considered as criminal as he was convicted for the purpose of rehabilitation. The main aim is not to inflict suffer from the offender, but the main aim is to stop the crime which is done by criminal and finding the reason why the offender do that crime again (McIvor, 2016). Further, it is provided mainly to a child or young person as they have an anentire life to live within the society. Thus, despite being treating them as a criminal, they are treated as a patient to motivate them for leading a good life. They are provided with various facilities so they can learn good ethics and skills for their future life. This is also considered to be a soft option because it is generally for a short period with the objective for the benefit of convicted person. On the other hand, in other punishments, the sole objective of jurisdiction is to punish the individual for their offensive act, but in community-base d sanctions, the individual is taught to live in society peacefully with good objectives. This approach is not considered to be true in all cases because sometimes community-based sanctions are so harsh in which conviction is similar or strict in comparison to other punishments. Although there is no substantial evidence to support this view as many forms of community-based sanctions,meant to be juvenile convicts. Recidivism refers to the repetition of criminal actions, including choice of outcomes, which ultimately result in re-arresting, proving of guilt, and re-imprisonments. It is also referred as a percentage of ex-prisoners who are rearrested for a repeating the similar crime. It is a significant problem within most Western jurisdictions because if the criminal is repeating the similar crime than it is no impact of taking them into legal conviction as there is no reduction in crimes. By making analysis the things due to which criminals are repeating the crime will assist jurisdiction in developing better justice system. Study of Sherman and et.al.(2016) shows that the major reason why criminals repeat crime and find themselves back in custody is that it is hard for the offender to get back into their normal life as their past remain with them always. It is because society doesnt easily accept offenders due to their criminal history (Sherman, Neyroud and Neyroud, 2016). Lack of job opport unities, education, and support are the reasons offenders repeat their crime, but the same is not for all the criminals. Examples of people are available who have made their effort and created their own identity in the society even after having a criminal background. Connection with other offenders is also a reason why they commit a crime. As per the issue, there is a fast increase in recidivism because offenders are not able to get the positive impact, their mentality towards recidivism is not changing, and this creates a negative impact on their behaviour they must be taught to reduce it by taking some steps (Tata, 2016). By making a detailed analysis of these aspects,western jurisdictions will get to know about the behaviour of offenders due to which they are committing crime repeatedly; they were able to find many ways to avoid recidivism. With the consideration of this approach, jurisdictions have provided many programs and vocational training such as prison-based education programs; this is an educational programme which is planned to help prisoners to gain skills which they can utilise when they are set free. Although the development of same is dependent of mainly two variants which are: physiological and environmental. Environmental varia nt emphasis on internal assessment of reason due to which the individual regains the criminal behaviour later, and this will help them to reintegrate into society. Physiological variants assess the physical treatment requirement by the criminals. These both variants play a significant role in transforming law breakers into law abiders. Social reintegration programmes have been set for the offenders to help them to integrate into the community which will result in repairing the relationships. Institutional programs are also set up to help criminals to reintegrate into society which includes providing education, job guidance, psychotherapy, and mentoring. Job training is also provided to the offenders so as they can get better job opportunities which will help them to reintegrate into the society (Giles, 2016). These modifications have been done by considering the requirement of a change in justice system due to increasing recidivism. The same kind of attempt is made by rehabilitation centre in which efforts are made to assess the reason behind the crime. The main emphasis is made on young children within these centres as they have to spend a long life in this society. Therefore; an effort is made through these centres to not to treat them as criminal and make them learn to live a good life by providing them learning relating to good ethics. They are also provided information regarding the methods through which they can make their future bright. Efforts are made by this kind of centres to treat them as patients rather than criminal and motivate them to improve rather than re-attempting the crime. Thus, this analysis should be done on a continuing basis to make viable changes in the jurisdiction for developing a better society. References Books and Journals Giles, M., 2016. A study in prison reduces recidivism and welfare dependence: A case study from Western Australia 2005-2010. 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Crime and Justice, Volume 45: Sentencing Policies and Practices in Western Countries: Comparative and Cross-National Perspectives (Vol. 45).University of Chicago Press.
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