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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Psychology Donnie Darko - 1292 Words

Top of Form Bottom of Form Many films today go beyond simple dramas and acts of heroism. A recent interest in the individual and why each person does, acts, lives the way they do makes for wonderful film adaptations of the tortured human soul. Cult films like Donnie Darko received a very strong following due to its strong portrayal of a young man dealing with psychological issues, the question of God, feeling alone, and death. More than any teenager should have to deal with but considering our day and age, it is not surprising that the following Donnie Darko has earned through beautiful portrayal of a tormented soul is made up of mainly adolescents. In the film, Donnie is said to suffer from paranoid schizophrenia.†¦show more content†¦Also, paranoid schizophrenics often of hallucination of smell, taste, sexual and other sensations. Visual hallucinations such as the ones presented in Donnie Darko are also possible occurrences or symptoms but are rarely the main hallucinations individual s suffer from. In the film, Donnie hears a voice command him to wake up and he follows the voice until he reaches the place he is supposed to reach. At that point his hallucination takes visual form. Other times as well he either hears his hallucination, Frank, or sees him, or both, oftentimes having conversations with him. Further, Donnie realizes near the end of the film that he has a special mission he must complete which is to die in order for members of his family and his girlfriend to live. Treatment of paranoid schizophrenia includes medication, psychotherapy, hospitalization, and other forms of therapy. Outside of the western world some communities help the individual suffering from schizophrenia with group based activities and some have seen positive outcomes for the individuals, sometimes more so than individuals treated in the western world with therapy and medication. In Donnie Darko, Donnie’s therapist conducts typical sessions where she asks him how he isShow MoreRelatedThe Movie Donnie Darko1055 Words   |  4 PagesBackground In the movie Donnie Darko, Donnie is a high school student who is remarkably smart, but for the last several months has had trouble in school and with his friends. His friends and family have always thought of him as â€Å"weird†, but lately he has been acting more and more out of the ordinary. One night Donnie wakes up outside in a golf course with no recollection of how he got there. When he arrives home he discovers that a jet engine has crashed through his roof, and hit where he shouldRead MoreDonnie Darko/ Abnormal Psycology762 Words   |  4 PagesResendez-Singh Psychology 101/ Extra Credit April 28th, 2012 Donnie Darko/Abnormal Psychology Donnie Darko is a movie about a young teen that experienced many abnormal things in his life that are said to be associated with a psychologicalRead MorePsychological Thriller Media Studies1263 Words   |  6 Pagesor a goal humans strive towards to understand their reason for existence. Characters often try to discover what their purpose is in their lives and the narratives conflict often is a way for the characters o discover this purpose. FOR EXAMPLE: Donnie Darko or The Sixth Sense. IDENTITY - The definition of one’s self. Characters often are confused about or doubt who they are and try to discover their true identity. FOR EXAMPLE; Identity or Total Recall DEATH - The cessation of life. Characters

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